Corporate Partner Program
Welcome to Nyla Nova STEMversity® -- the premier STEM tutoring program for students looking to gain enrichment and knowledge in STEM subjects. At Nyla Nova STEMversity®, our mission is to provide quality STEM education to children all around the world. That’s why we created our corporate partner program -- so your company can help make STEM education accessible and enriching for more kids.
More Access to STEM
As a STEMversity® corporate partner, you will have access to our comprehensive suite of STEM-based educational products and services. We offer a variety of options to meet the needs of your company, including private tutoring sessions, online courses, afterschool programs and other custom learning solutions. Our goal is to ensure that every child has access to high-quality STEM education that helps them excel in their studies.

Get Involved
With STEMversity® corporate partnerships, you get much more than just great rates on our programs. We understand the importance of giving back to the community while helping promote STEM learning around the globe. That’s why we offer numerous ways for partners to get involved with STEMversity® initiatives, such as sponsoring scholarships or volunteering at our events.

Make The Commitment
By becoming a STEMversity® corporate partner, you are making a commitment to building a brighter future through quality STEM education. We have dedicated teams ready to work with you on crafting an individualized plan that meets your company’s needs while contributing towards inspiring generations of young minds into uncovering new discoveries within science, technology, engineering, and math fields.
Ready to join us on this journey? Contact us today and learn how you can become part of Nyla Nova's STEMversity® family! Together we can create a better tomorrow by providing greater access and opportunities for students everywhere who are passionate about STEM education!
Special Thanks to Our Partners
Indianapolis Public Library- Indianapolis, IN
Metropolitan School District of Lawrence Township
Why Aren't You Smiling, INC- Director Mavis Washington
Wilson’s Childcare Services - Owner, Colia Z. Wilson
Funtimes Childcare - Owner, Janet Mitchell