The great outdoors is a natural laboratory, rich with opportunities to learn and explore. Here are some STEM activities that will turn a hike or a day in the yard into an educational adventure.
Nature Scavenger Hunt
Create a list of natural items and phenomena for kids to find or observe, such as different types of leaves, insect homes, or rock formations. This activity encourages scientific observation and classification skills.
DIY Sundial
Using a stick, some rocks, and the sun, kids can construct a simple sundial. This hands-on project teaches about Earth's rotation and telling time using the sun's position.
Plant Transpiration Experiment
By placing clear plastic bags around leaves, children can observe how plants sweat, learning about transpiration and the water cycle.
Learning doesn't need to be confined to the classroom. Every outdoor space is a canvas for scientific discovery. So, lace up your boots, and let's start exploring!