Quesadillas with mushroom bacon. No-bake cookie dough bars. Chocolate sweet potato milkshake. Green Goddess Grilled Cheese. Sound delicious? They are and made 100 percent VEGAN with science-based health benefits. These plant-based dishes are some of many that are so yummy, that even kids will enjoy them. Even better, they’re easy to make and…shhh!… secretly good for you! Is it too good to be true? No, it’s not. I know this because I’ve tried some of these foods myself, while on a vegan diet. I’m a picky eater and I love the flavor and variety it offers, which is a must for me. What else do I like about it? For one, I feel healthier, with more energy and better sleep patterns. However, there are more benefits you can explore.

What are the health benefits?
The health benefits of eating vegan are awesome. If you’re looking for a new way of eating to help prevent disease and add years to your life, then this could be the diet for you. While most of the American diet host large amounts of saturated fat and calories (equals health issues), eating vegan does the opposite with fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains.
Don’t dread eating vegan because you assume you might not be full or the food might not have flavor. Easy vegan dishes and desserts that satisfy the palate are in full abundance and there’s no excuse to not at least try it. If I can eat tasty, vegan food that has the flavor and look of a steak burger and keeps my cholesterol down, then I’m going to try it. I’m at the point that I want to extend my years of life and that’s worth more than continuing to eat what’s not good for me.
So maybe you’ve been considering this way of eating and need a little more convincing. Then take a look at a list of the science-based benefits of this diet:
Vegan diet is richer in certain nutrients (i.e. potassium; vitamins A, C and E)
Improves kidney function
May protect against certain cancers
Lowers risk of heart disease and diabetes
Reduces pain from inflammation or arthritis
Helps to manage a healthy weight
Provides the mind and body with more energy and focus

Is it safe for kids, too?
Eating vegan is a good choice and it has many benefits for adults. Do kids get the same benefits? According to studies, they do. Meals have to be planned carefully to get complete nutrition and of course, consult with your physician. But what is a vegan diet? It means no meat and giving up foods that contain animal products, such as dairy and eggs.
Here’s an interesting fact. Cleveland Clinic did a study that found vegan diets on overweight children lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels and improve their weight and lower their sensitivity to biomarkers for cardiovascular disease. So, yes, it benefits children in the same way it can benefit an adult.
Another helpful study from American Association states that well-planned vegan diets, supplemented with vitamin B12 are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including infancy, childhood and adolescence.
While there are numerous plant food options out there, both, adults and children will want to make sure they get enough calories. Whether you eat three main meals with snacks in between or several small meals throughout the day, be sure to plan your vegan meals and eat enough so you’re not hungry. Also, be sure to use a wide variety of natural plant foods.
Choose high fiber foods such as sweet potato, oats, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta and brown rice. Good sources of protein are beans, chickpeas, lentils and tofu. For snacks, keep foods like popcorn, bananas and oranges around to eat in between meals to keep full. Gummy vitamins for kids are also recommended to maintain iron and B12 levels. Adults can do the same with regular multivitamins. One size doesn’t fit all, so you should seek professional guidance at the onset and throughout a vegan diet.

Cool celebs even testify to vegan diet benefits
I have to say that I’m seriously considering a permanent vegan diet, after reading about these two celebs. In an interview with Insider, Seven-Time Formula One Championship driver, Lewis Hamilton, credits his plant-based diet for making him a better athlete. He became a vegan in 2017 and says it has improved his energy and gut health. When he preps for each race, he can’t afford to have highs and lows in his energy levels. With that being said, mental clarity is key when studying with his race engineers and getting behind the wheel.

His first reason for going vegan was concern for what was happening to the animals and the impact a regular diet has on the body. After careful research, he realized that a permanent vegan diet was best for his body, both personally and professionally.
Lewis Hamilton still misses some of his old favorites (i.e. Nutella), but when he thinks about what’s in it and what it does to his body, he doesn’t eat it. Instead, he finds himself eating toast with avocado or vegan pancakes topped with fruit for breakfast. He not only has found vegan food tasty and enjoyable, but the benefits of improved sleep patterns, digestion and overall well being has kept him, permanently, on the diet.
I learned that not only Lewis Hamilton likes eating vegan, but his dog enjoys it, too. This little cutie, below, is his dog, Roscoe. He was experiencing some health issues, but is now reaping the benefits of being on a plant-based diet for dogs!

Lewis says Roscoe has a much softer coat, his swollen paws have healed and he no longer limps with arthritis pain. Who would think that a dog would benefit from a vegan diet, too? Amazing!
Now a vegan diet is not for all dogs, so please consult with a VETERANARIAN before doing so. Check out what vegan dogs can eat and further benefits here: Vegan Dog Food by Jennifer Dempsey DVM
Singer/songwriter Ariana Grande has been a vegan since 2013 and told Women’s Health it has made her happier and more confident, while knowing she’s expanding her life length. With careful planning, she has been able to get the required amount of protein, vegetables, minerals and good carbohydrates that she needs in a day, as a vegan.

One of her favorite go-to’s is a vegan breakfast fruit smoothie that only takes 5 minutes to make. Studies say the benefits of this shake decrease inflammation and provide energy while balancing the blood sugar. I tried it and I have to say it was very tasty and filling! After swapping almond milk for orange juice, I added a little ginger and coconut oil. I found that I had more energy and less hunger, a few hours later. I think kids would find it to be a treat and love it, too, for breakfast!
By eating a vegan diet, I’m certain that Lewis Hamilton is more confident and refreshed when going over race strategies. As a vegan, I’m sure Ariana Grande feels happier and more focused when concentrating on writing her next hit song. These are significant reasons for staying on a vegan diet.
The Bottom Line
What we do now with our bodies can prepare us for the next decade of our life. In other words, we eat very healthy in our teens, it can show great results in our 20’s. We eat very healthy in our 30’s, it can show great results in our 40’s and so on. We eliminate food that isn’t good for us now, it can only add years to our lives. A vegan diet can do that for you.
It’s encouraging when you see yourself maintaining normal blood pressure, balanced weight and normal sleep patterns by doing this. With all the delicious food options out there and hearing how others are benefiting from it (i.e. celebs; dogs), it makes it easier to like. That, within itself, can make you feel good about sticking with it or at least trying it.
What do you think? Need a few VEGAN RECIPES that you can whip up really fast as a snack, dinner or breakfast? Then check out these three yummy ones from Rainbow Plantlife that any kid or adult will love! If this post has been helpful, please share, like it from our social media pages or comment in the box, below!

Disclaimer: The reader assumes full responsibility for consulting a qualified health professional before starting a new diet or health program. The writer and publisher of this site are not responsible for adverse reactions, effects, or consequences resulting from the use of any recipes or suggestions herein or procedures undertaken hereafter.